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Belizean Arts is a gallery in the heart of the Caribbean and Latin America.
We have been sharing the creative talent of the Belizean people for over 30 years. We represent the leading and upcoming Belizean artists throughout the country. Our passion is sharing local art and island culture with visitors to our beautiful country.

Lindsey moved to Belize at a young age from London, England and fell in love with the island.
She stayed in San Pedro, and began painting on the beach. Lindsey quickly became an integral part of the community while she connected with locals and other artists, and decided that it was time to open an art gallery on the island.
Lindsey took the plunge and opened the gallery, while raising three children at the same time. She built the gallery from the ground up and now travels throughout the Caribbean meeting other artist and sharing their work.
Lindsey spends most of her time at the art gallery, enjoying it as much as she did on the very first day Belizean Arts was opened.

Alejandra, was born in Belize grew up in San Pedro. Through out her childhood she spent a lot of time in her mother’s gallery where she met many local artists and grew to appreciate art. Travelling globally has expanded her love and knowledge for the arts.
Although Alejandra does not produce art for sale she does enjoy creating personal pieces to express herself. You can meet Alejandra most days at Belizean Arts.
Gradually Lindsey is passing her knowledge over to Alejandra so that eventually she will run the gallery.
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